SEO is the process by which websites are positioned on Google. And in order for content to appear in the top results of Google, the site must be SEO optimised. But what are the reasons to optimize your web content. Discover the main ones in this article.
To hook the reader
Generally, we write content to please the Google algorithm. But you should also focus on quality content. Indeed, even if Google displays your results first and the reader does not find it interesting, he will not stay long on your site. For this, you should opt for SEO optimised content. This will not only ensure that you are noticed by Google’s search bots but also that your users like you.
To have quality content over time
When you SEO your content, you allow it to maintain its quality over time. Search engines are always looking for new content. So when you make updates or publish new SEO articles, you are automatically detected by search engines. With SEO, your web articles retain their quality for a long time.
For a better site reputation
Content that appears very often in search engines is content that has a better reputation. This is because the writer’s name appears more often and is considered a professional in a given field. So your content is more likely to be seen by a large number of people.
To promote a better user experience
The user experience is enhanced and improved when content is SEO optimised. When search engines return a user to a given site, content written according to specific rules will win them over. They are more likely to spend more time on the site. Also, SEO optimization allows them to find exactly what they are looking for. In view of all this, it is clear that the SEO of content is very important on a website. So make sure you do it.